Riverside Studios

Zonegen Case Studies

Riverside Studios


A blue and white icon with a circle in the middle on a white background.

A former iron works in Hammersmith, London, Riverside Studios has a long legacy and reputation as a boundary-pushing home for the arts and creative expression. This dynamic cultural venue is home to a confluence of theatre, film, music, dance, comedy, visual art, enterprise, innovative technology, event’s and hospitality.

The recent refurbishment utilising modern building materials, as well as the location, and underground lower production levels were causing a significant loss of mobile signal strength and quality throughout the facility. 


A blue and white icon with a circle in the middle on a white background.

Zonegen were selected to survey, report and quote for the installation of a Mobile Telephony Solution. After conducting a site survey and proposing a solution we completed the installation of a Multi-Layer Cel-Fi Go X solution to the agreed design and timescales.


A blue and white icon with a circle in the middle on a white background.

This kind of facility presents its own challenges in relation to the internal complexities of the layout, film studios, sound booths, and auditorium. The implementation had to meet strict building regulations, the antennas had to remain discreet and were situated over 80m from the internal equipment, the Client changed the project design on the day of implementation and we had to meet tight commercial deadlines.


A blue and white icon with a circle in the middle on a white background.

The original internal readings taken were between -95dBm & -120dBm (3G all networks) and -96dBm to -120dBm (4G all networks). The installed solution provided a great improvement in signal strength, uniformly throughout providing readings of -67dBm Avg. (3G all networks) and -69dBm Avg. (4G all networks). As usual after installation, Zonegen completed a post install handover.

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